Friday, 28 March 2014

What did we learn more about this week?

-building words game (Andrew)
-Earth hour (Emma and Brandon S.)
-how to make and keep friend
-the ote and oat word family (Kimmy)
-how to do a lockdown (Kimmy)
-how to write sentences in our journal (Andrew)
-reading the duck book (Evelyn)
-reading (Chance)
-if we use body contact at recess, we stand at the wall and then play with other people for the rest of the day (Mrs. K)
-if I choose body contact I am choosing to stay away from the group 
-using our WITS when we have a problem (Chance)
-the importance of being a good sport
-a good sport doesn't yell
-a good sport passes the ball to all team mates
-a good sport is fun and safe
-a good sport gives compliments
-a good sport doesn't push or use body contact 
-a good sport helps others and stops playing if someone is hurt

How was your week at school?

Here are some words to describe our week:
-fun, exciting, awesome, fantastic, wonderful
-amazing, beautiful, fabulous
By Kimmy, Lucas, Emma and Andrew

Friday, 21 March 2014

What did you learn more about this week?

We learned more about...

  • tchukball (Lucas, Neithen, Jason, SS, BS, AD and Brandon B)
  • how to count money (Kimmy and Samantha S)
  • handball (Chance)
  • His Grace, our archbishop (Evelyn)
  • how to be a good friend (Jason and Jenna)
  • Father Jeff, who is a priest who helps His Grace (Brandon S)
  • His Grace and that he is in charge of over 100 churches (Neithen)
  • archery (Devin)
  • His Grace, and his church. (Caleb)

Describing Words

Here are some adjectives to describe our week:
-amazing, excellent, awesome, wonderful and fun
-fantastic, great, exciting, unusual and busy
By Kimmy, Lucas and Andrew