Monday, 12 September 2011

A Marvelous Monday...and the best is yet to come!

It was a beautiful sunny Monday morning and it was great to see everyone back from the weekend.    Thank you for your wonderful comment on our Blog Brianna.  I am very pleased to hear all your positive comments about our school year so far.  I am glad that Sara is enjoying her new school.   Please say hello to her for me.  Also, I was so happy and impressed to see Sarah, Victoria and Sam in their soccer equipment for tryouts this morning.  Way to go girls!  Thomas brought in his fortune and it said "Don't give up.  The best is yet to come."   Wow!  That is a really nice fortune.  This morning, we continued talking about recess expectations and our favourite activities.   Many students enjoy playing in the sandbox and playing basketball at recess.  In the afternoon, we worked on our daily math and practiced doing word problems.   When we work on math problems, we have problem solving steps to help us remember what to writing a number sentence.   Our grade 6 team had an awesome gym class with Mr. S's class.  Mr. Officer had a lot of tickled pinks (positive feedback) for the group and I was so happy to hear that students using their leadership skills and being good sports by saying "Good game" to the other team.   Tomorrow it is the Grade 5 team's turn.  Remember...the best is yet to come.  Keep up the super work everyone!


  1. it is the best school ever and all my friends u are cool funny and smart i love being in gr 6

  2. hay i am at home sick and i might be at school tomow and say hi / hay sooo what did u do to day????????????????????????????????????????????????? see ya
