Welcome back to a brand new school year! We have had a wonderful start!
Here are some words to describe our week:
Here is what we learned more about this week:
-soccer skills and how to dribble and kick the ball (Jason and Kimmy)
-Medival Times and that it is a time a very long time ago in Social Studies (Evelyn)
-reading and making words (Chance)
-writing the date using numbers (Brandon B)
-a new chapter book called Wonder (Lucas)
-using mathletics and raz-kids (Jason)
Here are some things we are good at:
-playing hockey (Brandon B)
-raising my hand and participating (Brandon, Evelyn, Chance, Kimmy, Lucas, Jason)
-writing the date using numbers
-participating in gym with our other class and our whole class
-making people happy
-listening to stories
-listening to our teachers
-scoring goals in gym
I need to work on:
-raising my hand more often
-my soccer skills
-reading more books
-complete more mathletics activities
A goal for next week is:
-give a compliment to one person each day
-read at home more
-use raz kids at home
- score a goal in gym class
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